
Our Exclusive Alle Loyalty Program
Choose Your Plan
Rejuvenation Silver Membership
Over $988 in Annual Savings for a 12-month plan! One time membership setup fee $99
Unlimited Use
Payments on any treatments beyond your Rejuvenation Client Wallet balance will be payable in full at the time of service. Gratuity not included.
Rejuvenation Gold Membership
Over $1798 in Annual Savings One time membership setup fee $99
Unlimited Use
PLUS! Exclusive Member Savings on Injectable Body Sculpting
Rejuvenation Diamond Membership
Over $3600 in Annual Savings o membership setup fee
PLUS! Receive ALL of these Treatments one time within the 12 months (starting Month 3)
PLUS! the following Unlimited Treatments and Discounts throughout the Term
PLUS! Exclusive Member Savings on Injectable Body Sculpting
Payments on any treatments beyond your Rejuvenation Client Wallet balance will be payable in full at the time of service. Gratuity not included.
Monthly Membership Agreement
You are electing to join the Rejuvenation Clinic Monthly Membership program by which you will make monthly payments into your Rejuvenation Clinic wallet for the rights to receive discounted rates on certain services provided by Rejuvenation Clinic. Please check the Membership-program you are electing to participate in pursuant to the terms and conditions provided in this agreement.
Membership Wallet
Rejuvenation Clinic Wallet, which may be applied towards any treatment provided by Rejuvenation Clinic at the time of that treatment at the following discounted rates (any treatment not listed is available, but will be at our normal pricing at the time of treatment).
It All Starts With You
Rejuvenation Clinic serves patients who want to look and feel their best. Our team is committed to providing a personalized beauty treatment plan for your specific and individualized goals. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our personalized aesthetic services. Our state-of-the-art medspa in Vienna, VA, serves patients in Tysons Corner, and the surrounding area.